The Universal Design Game

Universal design principles, aimed at ensuring accessibility for individuals of all abilities and life stages, play a crucial role in shaping the built environment. However, teaching these principles to university students, particularly those lacking personal experiences with mobility challenges, presents unique challenges.

"The Universal Design Game" is a roll-and-move board game that integrates images of local streetscapes alongside narratives from individuals and communities with lived experiences of temporary and long-term mobility impairments. Engaging in critical reflection as a research method, this project draws from three years of iterative development and implementation of the game within a third-year urban design course.

Downloadable resources

A set of downloadable resources is available at the link below. Note that this is still an early iteration of the game - any feedback for successive versions would be greatly appreciated!

Conference paper

The game was presented at the AMPS ‘Teaching Beyond the Curriculum’ international conference in November 2023. A copy of the conference paper published from this talk is available at the link below (the paper starts at Chapter 24 or page 232 of the PDF).


Ka mua, ka muri: Climate-resilient kāinga

